So, if you know of a good home waiting for this pair, let us know 573-759-6081 or
Here is a description that we put in an on-line classified:
"This is a top quality animal that was bred and trained by Amish. He is gelded and is half Percheron and half Standardbred. He is what they call a general purpose animal because he can be used in a work team or as a buggy horse. We have had him several years and love him.
We now travel frequently and find keeping the horses complicates our lives considerably. This is the reason we have decided to sell. This horse does not have the same level of training that he had a few years ago, due to our lack of using him. However, he can be brought back quickly with a little effort. He loads and trailers well and will stand easily for shoeing. We have used him in Shafts (single horse) to pull a spring wagon, but the Amish also us

He moves beautifully as his Percheron/standardbred breeding makes him a large trotter which can cover some ground. I also ride him and he does well. He has a good disposition and is not prone to flight. He stands about 16.2 and I estimate he will weigh around 1500. Age is 13 years.
As we are getting rid of horses here, we offer him with a beautiful (unregistered) bay quarter horse (about 11 years old). This is a "Two for One" deal -- one price takes both horses. The quarter horse stands probably 14.2 and is quite gentle. Age, 11 years. He was broke to ride as a young horse but then never ridden. He has been a companion to the buggy horse.
Both horses and completely sound and in good flesh and we hate to part with them. We would be happy to answer any questions or have you come look at the horses. 573-759-6081." Oh yes, and a heck of a deal: $1,000 for both horses.
So, it will be a little different around here without our horse pals. But change is the only constant, as they say.
Best regards, H.M.
Make sure you really check out any prospective buyers because your offering price is below their meat value.
I hate to see them go. I'm not telling Ernie.