No wait! Stay with me. It is a little exercise for the mind. Move your mind from the beach to the universe. Still with me? Now, scientists have estimated -- postulated, roughed out, even SWAGed (that is a scientific wild-assed guess) -- that the number of stars in the universe is roughly equal to all the grains of sand in all the beaches in all the world.
I can't count the number of grains in my hand. I can't conceive of the numberof grains on this beach within my view. My mind hiccups when I try to think about all the beaches in all the world.
Carl Sagan called this number a googleplex (I think) and it was a number so large that it confound any attempt to consider it.
Well that is the universe we live in. And we think we are so smart.
Please think of this when you go to the beach.
Los Tres Vagabundos in Mexico, Tom, Kathy & PeeVee